Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 4 of the Deployment Love Dare

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones--Proverbs 16:24

I really love this verse! R worked on a bee farm for a smidge and learned amazing facts about honey and how wonderfully natural it is. So this verse comes to life for me.

This dare is, "Love is thoughtful."

I tell my kids all the time to "think before they speak," but do I? Especially with my husband. He is the one I am most open and honest with and the one I probably hurt with my words the most too.

Deployment will complicate this whole matter. Not only is separation and distance a factor, but the responsibilities overseas and at home can loom large during this demanding time. This is all the more reason to be intentional in thinking about each other and saying so!

The Dare: By e-mail or phone, if possible, ask your spouse the question, "How are you doing? Is there anything I can do for you?" If we think loving thoughts we are spurred on to loving actions.

This dare is not a difficult one for me. I tend to over ask R these questions. I'm the one never quite satisfied with the normal answer, "I'm ok." Usually if I get that response, I say, "no really, how are you." LOL.

Portions of this comes from excellent or praiseworthy.

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